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Iran condemns deadly “terrorist” attacks in Pakistan, Burkina Faso

TEHRAN, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) — Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Tuesday condemned recent lethal “terrorist” attacks in Pakistan and Burkina Faso.
He made the remarks in separate statements released by the ministry, reacting to a series of attacks on Monday in Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan province that killed at least 53 people and injured scores of others and to an attack on Saturday in north-central Burkina Faso’s Barsalogho commune in which the total number of casualties has not yet been disclosed.
Kanaani extended condolences to the victims’ families, as well as the governments and people of both countries and prayed for the speedy recovery of those injured in the attacks.
Commenting on the attacks in Pakistan, he said Iran condemns and rejects all forms of terrorism and stands by the “brotherly” Pakistani government and people in the process of fighting terrorism.
The proscribed organization Balochistan Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Pakistan, while no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack in Burkina Faso. ■
